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PoC Customers
The issue of ice accumulation on power grids is a significant concern within the territories overseen by various distribution companies in Turkey, particularly in the Central Anatolia and Southeastern Anatolia regions. This matter has gained considerable attention due to its intensity in these areas. We are presently conducting an official Proof of Concept (PoC) study in collaboration with MEDAÅž and DEDAÅž, two prominent electricity distribution companies operating within these regions.
We started to first operations with MEDAS Electricity Distribution Company in Seydisehir, Konya, TR.

Power Grids Informations (km)

Total Grids Length: 60,476 KM
Due to factors such as the geographical layout, climatic conditions, and humidity levels of the region, the 60,746 km-long power grids, which distribute electricity across a vast area, are severely impacted by icing issues. This results in substantial damage, along with considerable loss of life and property, in a large part of the distribution area.

Total Grids Length: 50,003 KM
The harsh winter conditions of the Southeastern Anatolia region present significant challenges for the power grids. Icing-related issues predominantly occur across a substantial portion of the 50,003 km-long power grids, severely impacting the sustainable urban life of the local population. Furthermore, these problems contribute to considerable financial losses annually.
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